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Home Hearing Help Blog

News about developments in hearing healthcare are posted.

Scared to Get Hearing Aids or Scared Not To

Roberta Singer

This Halloween, don't be "afraid" to explore the world of better hearing. A recent conference this September held by the American Geriatric Society stressed the relationship between declining hearing and vision as we age and cognitive health. The simultaneous presence of hearing, vision and cognitive impairments was noted to be more prevalent than expected by chance alone. It was concluded that maintaining sensory function is vital to offset cognitive decline. "Treat" yourself to improved hearing and communication function!

Tinnitus got you down?

Roberta Singer

There are ways to help! High pitch tinnitus has traditionally been the most difficult to help. Now there are products with high frequency boost that can reach and mask the most troublesome highest frequency "ringing" sounds. Hearing aids allow you to hear comfortably while masking the annoying sounds produced internally. Relax and enjoy the sounds of life!

Moisture - No Friend to Hearing Aids

Roberta Singer

It has been a hot humid summer for most of us!  That means hearing wearers should be more vigilant about keeping their hearing aids dry.  Although hearing aids nowadays are moisture resistant, none are completely waterproof.   For those with disposable batteries, open the battery doors at night and place them in an open air dry area.  For all wearers, both with disposable and rechargeable units, consider using a hearing aid dehumidifier several times a month to further protect your investment.  Clean and dry.  Maximize your good buy!

4th Best Hearing Safety Suggestions

Roberta Singer

Fireworks: Beautiful for the eyes. Damaging to the ears. Protect your ears from noise-induced loss by minimizing the intensity of the loud snapping, crackling and popping of fireworks on the Fourth of July. Consider distancing yourself from the site and/or wearing ear protection. Each will reduce the possibility of permanent damage. Be 4th smart!

Summertime and the Hearing is Easy

Roberta Singer

Heat and Hearing Aids: As summertime approaches, keep in mind that humidity is not a hearing aid's friend. While enjoying the summer months, remember to use a desiccant such as in a Dry Aid kit for removing moisture from the delicate components. Nightly attention will have you hearing all the wonderful sounds of the summer all season long!